North Brunswick Township Schools is proud to share the names and contact information of local child care facilities as a resource for parents and guardians. If you are looking for child care during the school day while the district is in Phase 1, 2, or 3 of our Return to School plan, please look to these local businesses. These child care providers are independent contractors and are all licensed child care providers. NBTSchools providing their contact information as a resource for parents and does not endorse any provider over another. Each family should determine the proper fit for them and their needs. Each provider has indicated that they have the facilities and staff to provide a safe space for students to engage in their NBTSchools virtual learning during the school day. Please contact the provider(s) of your choice to determine costs, availability, and if you might be eligible for state subsidies to support the cost.

Return to School: Child Care Facilities
August 28, 2020